Achievements and Losses of Post-Soviet Transformation

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology, FISIS RAS
Affiliation: Institute of Sociology FISIS RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 11

On the materials of the monitoring research of the IS RAS (October 2017) it is shown that Putin’s epoch (2000–2010) is perceived by Russians much better than the Yeltsin period of history (1990’s). The Russians note the undoubted benefits from the point of view of potential growth opportunities as significant achievements of the 2000–2010, as well as highlight the cessation of the war in the Caucasus and the strengthening of Russia’s international position in the world. However, the achievements of this period are combined with the losses in many other (primarily economic) spheres and areas of life. In perception of the losses of the Post-Soviet society, Russians as a whole are unified: both relative and absolute losses are seen by them equally regardless of age. At the same time generational differences affect the assessment of all areas of V. Putin’s activity: the older are respondents, the worse they assessed his policy. As a result, the comparison of acquisitions and losses of society, as well as the analysis of the perception of the V. Putin’s activities success give a rather ambiguous assessment of Post-Soviet development. If the stagnation of the Russian economy is not overcome in the nearest future, it may obliterate all past achievements and actualize failures in development.

KeywordsPost-Soviet society, age differentiation, Putin’s era, Yeltsin’s era, achievements and losses of Post-Soviet development
AcknowledgmentThe paper is funded by Russian Science Foundation (project № 14-28-00218).
Publication date12.12.2018
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