Venice and Ferrara in the XIV—XV Centuries. Based on the Materials of the Doge's Epistles (Lettere Ducali) from the Collection of Nikolay Likhachev

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg Institute of History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameISTORIYA

The introduction to this work is a short sketch of the relationship between Venice and Ferrara, which allows to identify unlit issues and problems both in the relationship and in the history of each of these important centers of Italy. On this basis, the research focuses on the study and inclusion in the historical context of authentic, mostly previously unpublished epistles of the Doge of Venice (lettere ducali) from the collection of academician N. P. Likhachev (1862—1936), which are now stored in the Western European section of the Scientific and historical archive of the Saint Petersburg Institute of history of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Here is an analysis of 12 Doge's epistles from 1372 to 1437 sent to the signoriof Ferrara Niccolò II and Niccolò III d'Este. The 1433 epistle to the Ambassador of Venice in Ferrara is also considered. The Doge's Epistles from the collection of academician N. P. Likhachev in many ways complement and clarify our ideas about the development of relations between Venice and Ferrara, and thus about the development of international relations as such, and about the history of each of these significant centers of Italy in the XIV—XV centuries.

KeywordsDoge's epistles (lettere ducali), history of international relations, Venice, Ferrara, XIV—XV centuries
Publication date30.11.2020
Number of characters44217
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