Capitalism and the Weberiana in Russia: Revisiting the Possibilities of Understanding Sociology. Part 2. An Apology for Capitalism

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Transbaikalian State University
Address: Russian Federation, Chita
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 2

The paper оffers a critical analysis of the Russian Weberiana applied to problems of contemporary society (social consequences of the expansion of information technology) and to resolving methodological problems of modern sociology (the problems of “big data and the revolution of archives”). Reasons are given that the principles and the method of understanding sociology actually lead to the rejection of social innovations, not to knowledge. The article criticizes the Weberian evaluation of historical dynamics of non-Western countries (both Weber`s prognoses for the development of capitalism and modern evaluations of their modernization). Another point of issue is the role of capitalism in the modernization process; it is stated (relying among others on the works of M. Weber) that positive values and norms of a modern industrial society are formed by capitalism as a system of relations. 

Keywordsmodernization, capitalism, methodology, understanding sociology, Protestant ethics, culture
Publication date18.03.2022
Number of characters32183
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