Gendered Characteristics of Xenophobia (Review of Foreign Studies)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Deputy Director
Affiliation: Research Institute of Education and Science
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 5

The results of foreign studies of inter-gender differences in the distribution of different types of xenophobic subjects are summarized. The author analyzes the definitions and concepts of xenophobia taking into account the gender context, on the basis of which it is concluded that there are no domestic works on the gender aspects of xenophobia. As a result of meta-analysis of more than 40 foreign scientific publications, a sample of almost 20 thousand respondents (Europe, the USA, Asian countries) was obtained, the study of which helps to identify gender differences in the prevalence of negative attitudes towards everything non-ethnic. It is concluded that there are significant differences in the prevalence of fear of people of other ethnicities and hostility to everything foreign in men and women from different countries of the world: Although phobias are 2-3 times more common among women than among men, however, different types of xenophobia are noticeably more common among men.

Keywordsphobias, men, women, foreigners, gender / gender differences, xenophobia, sociology, attitudes.
Publication date28.06.2021
Number of characters10317
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