Chronicles of Quarantine and Surveillance in a Russian Residential Home for the Elderly and Disabled in the COVID-19 Syndemic

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor of the Department of Social Technologies
Affiliation: Southern Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don
Occupation: Director
Affiliation: Taganrog Nursing Home for Aged and Disabled People No. 2
Address: Russian Federation, Taganrog
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 2

This article describes the experience of introducing quarantine and observation in the space of one of the South Russian state social service institutions - the Taganrog residential home for the elderly and disabled. The authors focused on a qualitative rather than quantitative aspect. Analysis of materials of the expert survey of specialists showed, that the most significant issues in terms of risks COVID-19 in connection with the conduct of quarantine and surveillance was the inability of beyond boarding, reducing access of beneficiaries to medical diagnosis and care specialists, the narrowing of social communication and leisure activities, increased burden on staff, fears of a possible outbreak in the local space. Among the successful findings, experts include strengthening the family atmosphere of care, personification of relationships, new formats of social partnership, technologies of socio-cultural work and communication (“concerts under the balcony", virtual excursions and meetings, exercise and outdoor leisure, Internet communications).

Keywordselderly people, residential home for the elderly and disabled, nursing home, long-term care, COVID-19 syndemic, quarantine, surveillance, secondary damage to the insulation
Publication date25.03.2021
Number of characters24557
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