The Interrelationship of Global Social Responsibility and Social Loafing (on the example of public servants of Turkey)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration
Affiliation: Kastamonu University
Address: Turkey, Kastamonu
Occupation: Prof. Dr. at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Affiliation: Istanbul Gedik University
Address: Turkey, Instanbul
Occupation: PhD Degree Student in Business Administration at the Graduate School of Social Sciences
Affiliation: Adana Science and Technology University
Address: Turkey, Adana
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 1

The article analyzes the relationship of indicators of global social responsibility and social loafing on the basis of a survey of public servants of the Turkish region of Kastamonu. Global social responsibility can be interpreted as the awareness of the need to preserve the stability of the world and social well-being. Social loafing assumes a significant decrease in the personal productivity of the group members during collective activity. This study revealed a negative correlation between aspects of global social responsibility and social loafing. The results indicate a polarity of these phenomena and are explained by mutually exclusive concepts of global social responsibility and social loafing; where the first personifies the constructive mechanism of social stability, the second is the destructive evasion of social identification and atrophy of values. In this context, an individual who is both an object and a subject of responsibility due to the influence of social norms, principles and values, must develop in terms of maintaining conscientiousness, spirituality, social inclusion and the implementation of humanization of society.

Keywordsglobal social responsibility, social loafing, public servants
Publication date10.03.2020
Number of characters11385
100 rub.
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