Donbass: Laboratory of the Modern War and а Place of Social Disaster

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
Address: Ukraine, Starobilsk
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 7

The article discusses military conflict in the Donbass in the context of evolution of war. The concept and practice of the Trinitarian war was destroyed by atomic weapons, national liberation movements, emergence of transnational terrorist networks and, strange as it may seem, a ban on aggression by a system of international conventions. Wars have become unconventional and most of them have acquired the character of proxy wars, which proceed as low-intensity conflicts. Conflict in the Donbas was a product of international contradictions, of the geopolitical struggle of the Russian Federation and the United States. Residents of the region are the suffering side. The population perceives the chain of events since the spring of 2014 as a catastrophe that no one expected. From the point of view of population, the conflict has become a commercial enterprise for elite groups.

Keywordswar, trinitarian war, low intensity conflict, Donbass, Ukraine, Russia, USA, politics, army, paramilitary structures, civilians
Publication date16.07.2019
Number of characters35033
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