Socio-legal and Socio-economic Aspects of Privacy

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy
Affiliation: Saratov State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saratov
Affiliation: Penza Theological Seminary
Address: Russian Federation, Penza
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 4

The article considers the history of formation of the concept of privacy, as well as peculiarities of understanding of this phenomenon in modern society in legal, economic and social context. The main historical stages of transformation of the concept of privacy are highlighted. The judicial processes connected with protection of private life, which were held in XX–XXI centuries in the USA, are considered. The example of the American legal model established that the initial inclusion of privacy in the legal field was a means of protecting the individual against possible invasion of privacy. In the context of the analysis of modern understanding of privacy, it is proved that the improvement of digital technologies and digitization of personal data together with the possibility of their automatic collection and processing leads to notions of privacy as an analogue intellectual property of the individual. Personal data is increasingly becoming a commodity for client-oriented companies. At the same time, Western society still tends to understand the elites ' privacy as human rights and dignity. The analysis of the development prospects of the digital society gives reason to believe that in the near future it is possible to expect appreciable influence of transformation of artificial intellect systems on understanding of privacy.

Keywordsprivacy, human rights, information technology, digital society, risks
Publication date28.05.2019
Number of characters35916
100 rub.
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