At the Origins of the Literary Portrait: Physiognomy in the Context of Modern Humanities

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Istituto di Cultura Torquato Tasso di Sorrento
Address: Italy, Sorrento
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 80 Issue 2

The purpose of this article is to briefly outline important aspects of physiognomy as a part of the human science in the context of modern humanities. The teaching about the portrait seeks to reveal and lay bare the deep connection between the appearance and personality of a person, opening the way for literature, painting, plastic arts, semiotics, ethnology, paralinguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics. The methodology and scientific tools of physiognomy are applied in modern studies of literature. At the origins of physiognomy – the work of the Italian humanist philosopher and natural scientist of the 16th century. G. Della Porta, who influenced the formation of the humanities, the foundations of which were laid by the Italian Renaissance. In her works, Della Porta draws on the texts of Greek, Roman, Arabic, medieval authors and her contemporaries. The treatises of the humanist scientist inspired the studies of Lavater (1772), influenced the emergence of Gall’s phrenology (1810), the father of modern neuropsychology and cognitive neurosciences, and contributed to the birth of the criminal anthropology of Lombroso. Physiognomy, which in the era of positivism was considered a pseudoscience, aims to draw up a psychological and moral portrait of a person on the basis of his appearance, assuming the existence of a deep connection between the body and the soul, the external and the internal. She influenced the work of many artists, primarily portrait painters, starting from the Renaissance, including the 18th century and later eras’ cartoons, as well as literature, in particular, that of the 19th century – Balzac, Manzoni, Mastriani, etc.

Keywordsphysiognomy, semiotics, Della Porta, Leonardo Da Vinci, cognitive sciences, anthropology, Lavater, Gall, Lombroso, portrait art, Charles Lebrun, Balzac
Publication date24.06.2021
Number of characters45351
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