Karl Bryullov and Dmitry Struysky (“Roman Holiday” on the Vasilyevsky Island in Saint Petersburg)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Ogarev National Research Mordovia State University
Address: Saransk, 68 Bolshevistskaya Str., Saransk, 430005, Russia
Affiliation: Penza State Technological University
Address: Russian Federation, Penza
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 80 Issue 1

The paper deals with the friendly and creative relations of the painter K.P. Bryullov (1799–1852) and the poet, mu-sician D.Yu. Struysky (Trilunny, 1806–1856), whose communication, as of yet, has not been sufficiently covered. They probably met in 1835 in Rome, had a common circle of acquaintances, and met more than once in the sec-ond half of the 1830s in St. Petersburg. The article presents the facts of Struyskyʼs attention, as an art critic, to Western European and Russian painting, in particular to the paintings of Brullov and, above all, his canvas “The Last day of Pompeii”. For the first time, the text of Struiskyʼs note to Bryullov dated September 21, 1837 (Manu-script Department of the Institute of Russian literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences) is published, with an invitation to attend a musical evening at Struiskyʼs apartment (Vasilievsky island, 7th line), where a gastronomic treat in the form of an Italian dish was planned, which reminded both of their meetings in Italy. There are parallels between Brullovʼs aesthetics and his views on other arts – music, literature, theater, as well as features of syncretism of artistic thinking in the Pushkin era.

KeywordsK.P. Briullov, D.Y. Struysky (Trilunny), “Last days of Pompeii”, Italy, Rome, St. Petersburg, Vasilievsky island
Publication date11.03.2021
Number of characters47747
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