On the Dictionary “Occasional Verbs of the Russian Language”

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Science
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 79 Issue 6

The article describes the structure and contents of the dictionary “Occasional Verbs of the Russian Language” being compiled at present, which will include about 15000 verbs that are absent in the national explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian language, as well as in the dictionaries of the series “New words and meanings” including material from the 60–90s of the 20th century. The dictionary “Occasional Verbs of the Russian Language” is in the system of dictionaries of this series, but has a special place in it, since it covers a larger chronological period than any of the published dictionaries of occasionalisms and neologisms, and includes a much larger number of first recorded verbs than all these dictionaries taken together. The article shows that in the occasional verbs of the Russian language, those units and patterns of the language system can be identified that are not detected in the usual vocabulary only; for example, only in the occasional vocabulary there is a morph obezo- (obezol’dits’a, I. Severyanin) – an allomorph of the morph obez-; only by occasionalisms compound verbs with samo-motivated by verbs without -s’a (samozatukhat’, samozarabatyvat’) are represented. All parameters of the entry of the dictionary “Occasional verbs of the Russian language” are considered: the original word – an infinitive; grammatical characteristics of the verb – forms of the 1st person singular and 2nd person singular, perfectiveness-imperfectiveness, transitivity-intransitivity; verb definition, example of use from literature, press or spoken language; word formation pattern of the described verb. Occasional verbs use 43 word formation patterns discussed in this article.

Keywordsoccasionalisms, verbs, explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries of new words, dictionary entry, usual vocabulary, units and patterns of the language system, word formation patterns, Russian National Corpus, lexicographic criteria for the selection of occasionalisms
AcknowledgmentThis study was funded by the RFBR, project no 19-012-00065
Publication date25.12.2020
Number of characters26712
100 rub.
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