Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor
Affiliation: the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Address: 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russia
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 78 Issue 2

The paper considers a specific element of syllabic versification on the Bashkir text data. We examine the ordered alternations of lines of different lengths. Such verse forms exist in Turkic verse along with the usual isosyllabic poems. The status of such forms is ambiguous; they can be viewed both as a stanza and as a special meter. A similarly difficult case for traditional verse studies is elegiac distich.

Based on the corpus of the texts of 103 Bashkir poets, we analyzed the correlation of isosyllabic and heterosyllabic verse forms. The most common among the latter are “Uzun-kyuy&8j1; and “Kyska-kyuy&8j1;, forms of folk origin, presented in the regular alternation of 10 and 9 syllables, as well as 8 and 7 syllables in line.

“Kyska-kyuy&8j1; has analogies in other Turkic traditions, in Tuva, Khakass, Kazakh, and Kyrgyz verse. “Uzun-kyuy&8j1; seems to be specific to the Volga-Kypchak region.

The longer first line is a typological parallel to Russian verse, in which the first line in a stanza is usually longer than the last.

The results of the calculations showed that the rhythm of the 8-syllables in the isosyllabic texts and in the Kyska-kyuy is seriously different. In the isosyllabic texts, a caesura is obligatory after the 4th syllable, but in Kyska-kyuy it usually does not exist.

A statistical test showed that there is no relationship between the preference of the isosyllabic form and the time of birth of the poet.

The Bashkir poets, in spite of the syllabic nature of their poetry, do not adopt the western poetic patterns like the Alexandrian verse.

It should be clarified that the lines in 9 and 10 syllables are often found together in one poem, but rarely appear where there are lines in 7 syllables. This suggests that Uzun and Kyska are independent forms that rarely intersect.            

Keywords Bashkir verse, syllabic verse, quantitative methods, isosyllabic, caesura.
Publication date28.05.2019
Number of characters28175
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