Nomination of Family and Kinship in Arkhangelsk Dialects

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 82 Issue 3

The article deals with the groups of lexemes associated in Arkhangelsk dialects with the concepts of family and kinship. The word-formation nest with the root of rod- (the genus) is much more significant than the nest with the basis of semja- (the family). The same lexemes may mean both specific family members and a group of relatives, in other words, they can be used in a collective meaning. The differentiation turns out to be quite weak. To denote kinship and relatives, the following terms are also used: the names of the people community (bratva, squad, artel, collective farm, population), some pronouns (my, mine, all, ours), metaphors associated with the cultural codes (due to the terminology of S.M. Tolstoy) like a vegetable code (tree, root, seed), animal code (nest), object code (house), somatic code (blood, leg, knee, vein, bone, tail) and the abstract one (side, line). Numerous examples are introduced into the scientific use for the first time.

Keywordsthe terms of relationship, family, kinship, Arkhangelsk dialects, Northern dialects, Russian dialectology
Publication date28.06.2023
Number of characters28201
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