Book Sources of the Text of Ivan Bunin’s Early Works

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 82 Issue 2

This article presents the first attempt to shed light on an important source study issue: the degree of Ivan Bunin’s participation in the preparation of book editions of his early works of 1887–1902. In the light of the work on the first academic Complete Works and Letters of Ivan Bunin, it is necessary to investigate this problem in its own right in order to determine which editions are ‘authorial’ and thus can be considered sources for the textual work with the writer’s early works, and which editions are not. Drawing on all the known evidence (correspondence, publishing contracts and agreements, biographical data of the writer), we have examined in detail the history of the publication of several books by Bunin (poetry and prose collections). The degree of N. D. Teleshov’s participation in the preparation for the publication of two books by Bunin was estimated (proofreading and signing the book into print). Non-author’s book editions of Bunin’s works, to which the author had no relation whatsoever, have been identified (therefore, they cannot be sources for the scholarly (critical) publication of the writer’s works).

KeywordsIvan Bunin, early works, text sources, source studies, textual criticism
AcknowledgmentThe research was carried out at the expense of the grant of the Russian Scientific Foundation No. 22-18-00347 “Ivan Bunin’s early work: poetry, prose, criticism, journalism, translations (1883–1902)”.
Publication date30.04.2023
Number of characters28040
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1. Bunin, I.A. Stikhotvoreniia 1887–1891 gg. [Poems 1887–1891]. Orel, Tip. gaz. “Orlovsk. vestn.ˮ N.A. Semenovoi Publ., 1891. (In Russ.)

2. Bunin, I.A. Pisma 1885–1904 godov. Pod obshch. red. O.N. Mihajlova. Podgot. teksta i komment. S.N. Morozova, L.G. Golubevoi, I.A. Kostomarovoi [Letters of 1885–1904, ed. by O.N. Mikhailov; Text Preparation and Commentary by S.N. Morozov, L.G. Golubeva, I.A. Kostomarova]. Moscow, IMLI RAN Publ., 2003. (In Russ.)

3. Bunin, I.A. Na krai sveta i drugie rasskazy [To the End of the World and Other Stories]. St. Petersburg, Izd. O.N. Popovoi Publ., 1897. (In Russ.)

4. Bunin, I.A. Pod otkrytym nebom: Stikhotvoreniia [Under the Open Sky. Poems]. Moscow, Izd. redaktsii zhurnala “Detskoe chtenieˮ; I.N. Kushnerev i Kº Publ., 1898. («Biblioteka “Detskogo chteniia”» Series). (In Russ.)

5. Bunin, I.A. Stikhi i rasskazy [Poems and Stories]. Moscow, Izd. redaktsii zhurnala “Detskoe chtenieˮ; V. Rikhter Publ., 1900. («Biblioteka “Detskogo chteniia”» Series). (In Russ.)

6. Bunin, I.A. Listopad: Stikhotvoreniia [Leaf Fall. Poems]. Moscow, Skorpion Publ., 1901. (In Russ.)

7. Bunin, I.A. Polevye tsvety: Sbornik stikhotvorenii i rasskazov dlia iunoshestva [Wildflowers. Collection of Poems and Short Stories for Young People]. Moscow, Izd. torg. doma S. Kurnin i Kº; tip. I.N. Kushnerev i Kº Publ., 1901. (In Russ.)

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13. Bunin, I.A. [Sobranie sochinenii: v 6 t.] [Collected Works in 6 v.]. Vol. 1: Stories. St. Petersburg, Izd. t-va “Znanieˮ Publ., 1902; the 2nd Ed. St. Petersburg, Izd. t-va “Znanieˮ Publ., 1903; the 3d Ed. St. Petersburg, Izd. t-va “Znanieˮ Publ., 1904. (In Russ.)

14. Bunin, I.A. Pereval i drugie rasskazy [The Pass and Other Stories]. The 4th Ed., Revised and Expanded. Moscow, Moskovskoe knigoizdatelstvo Publ., 1912. (In Russ.)

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16. Bunin, I.A. Izbrannye rasskazy [Selected Stories]. Moscow, Knigoizdatelstvo pisatelei v Moskve Publ., 1914. (“Narodno-shkolnaia bibliotekaˮ Series). (In Russ.)

17. Bunin, I.A. Izbrannye rasskazy [Selected Stories]. The 2nd edition. Moscow, Knigoizdatelstvo pisatelei v Moskve Publ., 1918. (“Narodno-shkolnaia bibliotekaˮ Series). (In Russ.)

18. Bunin, I.A. Izbrannye rasskazy [Selected Stories]. The 3d edition. Moscow, Knigoizdatelstvo pisatelei v Moskve Publ., 1919. (“Narodno-shkolnaia bibliotekaˮ Series). (In Russ.)

19. Iz prazhskogo arkhiva: pisma I.A. Bunina i A.I. Kuprina k E.A. Liatskomu. Publ. L.S. Kishkina, V.A. Motornogo; vstup. st. i primech. L.S. Kishkina [From the Prague Archive: Letters of I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kuprin to E.A. Lyatsky, publ. by L.S. Kishkin, V.A. Motorny; Introductory Article and Notes of L.S. Kishkin]. Lepta [Pitch]. 1993, No. 6, pp. 120–143. (In Russ.)

20. Bunin, I.A. Pismo I.V. Gessenu [Letter to I.V. Hessen], publ. S.P. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New Literary Review]. 1993, No. 4, pp. 160–161. (In Russ.)

21. I.A. Bunin. Novye materialy [I.A. Bunin. New Materials]. Issue II, ed. by and comp. O. Korostelev, R. Devis. Moscow, Russkii put Publ., 2010. (In Russ.)

22. Dviniatina, T.M. Obshchii ocherk tekstologii poezii I.A. Bunina [A General Essay on the Textology of I.A. Bunin’s Poetry]. Tvorchestvo I.A. Bunina v istoriko-literaturnom kontekste (biografiia, istochnikovedenie, tekstologiia), red.-sost. O.A. Korostelev, S.N. Morozov [I.A. Bunin’s Creative Work in the Historical and Literary Context (Biography, Source Studies, Textual Studies), ed. by and comp. O.A. Korostelev, S.N. Morozov]. Moscow, Litfakt Publ., 2019, pp. 557–703. (Akademicheskii Bunin series; issue 1). (In Russ.)

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