Vyacheslav Ivanov and the Phenomenon of Byronism: Aspects of Liberty

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Maxim Gorky Literary Institute
Address: 25 Tverskoy Blvd., Moscow, 123104, Russia
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 81 Issue 3

The subject-matter of the article is the phenomenon of Byronic work as it is perceived by the Russian outstanding poet-symbolist Vyacheslav Ivanov, particularly the issue of liberty in its specific form of Byronism. It is underlined that in Romanticism the term “liberty” has several gradations – liberty, freedom, independence. In Russian culture Pushkin’s initial evaluation of Byron has been very influential, it combined the admiration of his struggle for independence, appreciation of his style and shrewd criticism of Byronic characters. The Pushkin view of Byron’s legacy was later adopted and developed by Dostoevsky in his Pushkin Speech and Vyacheslav Ivanov in several articles – Byron and the Idea of Anarchy, On Pushkin’s The Gypsies, The phenomenon of Byronism in Russian Consciousness, and the Novel in Verse. The article focuses in particular on the ideas of Ivanov about anarchy as the highest form of liberty with regard to Byron’s last completed poem The Island.

KeywordsByron, the phenomenon of Byronism, Pushkin, the typology of liberty, Dostoevsky, Vyacheslav Ivanov, anarchy, “mystical anarchism”, “savage”, Romantic individualism, utopia, The Island, The Gypsies
Publication date23.06.2022
Number of characters21811
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