Ch.G. Rakovsky and Bessarabian question in the Soviet-Romanian relations (1917–1918)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Romanian Academy of Scienses
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 5

The article belongs to the legacy of the prominent Romanian historian and deals with the destiny of the golden reserve of Romania, which since the late 1916 had been preserved in Moscow and was expropriated by the Soviet government in the early 1918, after Romania occupied Bessarabia. On the basis of analysis of related sources, the author came to the conclusion that the head of the Romanian government General Alexandru Averescu signed an agreement with the emissary of the Bolshevik government Christian Rakovsky in Odessa for the sake of rescue of the hoatages and in expectation of the annexation of Bessarabia to Romania in accordance with the provisions of the peace-treaty signed after World War One.

KeywordsWorld War One, Romania, 1918, Bolshevik government, golden reserve, Bessarabia, Alexandru Averescu, Christian Rakovsky.
Publication date03.11.2018
Number of characters654
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