On the history of the publication of the book by V.N. Peretz «The tale of Igor’s campaign ‒ a monument of feudal Ukraine-Russia of the XII century»

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Reseacher, Department of Ancient Russian Literature
Affiliation: The Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskyj Dom) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 2

The article is devoted to the history of the publication of the monograph by V. N. Peretz «The Tale of Igor’s Campaign – a monument of feudal Ukraine-Russia of the XII century: Introduction. Text. Comment» (Kiev, 1926). The author puts the question why a number of Russian publishing houses, including the publishing house of the Russian Academy of Sciences, refused to publish the book by V. N. Peretz, the professor at Petrograd (Leningrad) University, and why it was published in Ukraine translated into Ukrainian. The author substantiates the opinion that the reason was not in the abrasive relationship with the Permanent Secretary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, S. F. Oldenburg, but in the original views on the «The Tale of Igor’s Campaign» and its author set forth by V.N. Peretz.

Keywords«The Tale of Igor’s Campaign», V.N. Peretz, the author of «The Tale of Igor’s Campaign», the biblical elements, folk poetry, Western European epic
Publication date11.05.2022
Number of characters41174
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