Motivation of the dialectal word in reflection of the analytic dialectology

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: chief resercher, Director of the Centre of areal linguistics
Affiliation: Institute of Slavic studies of Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 6

The paper deals with the problems of the Russian dialectology. We consider the modern period of the development of dialect studies as the era of “analytical and explanatory dialectology” whose aim is to give dialect word a deep interpretation and in connection with this to analyze the language of traditional culture. Thus, we offer to broaden the framework of dialect studies and to shape what can be called cultural dialectology which aims at the reconstruction of the traditional spiritual culture.

KeywordsRussian dialectology, cultural anthropology, cognitive linguistics
Publication date13.12.2021
Number of characters33291
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