Regional terminology of the Slavic studies in Russia

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: National Research University Higher School of Economics
Address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospct, 32A, Moscow, Russia, 119991
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 3

The Russian Slavistics is characterized by the coexistence and even rivalry of traditional ethno-cultural and regional approaches, the demand for which was determined not only by scientific considerations, but also by political factors – the attitude to the heritage of empires, the imperatives of the Soviet bloc and the needs of post-socialist transformation. The regional approach involves the use of notions such as Eastern Europe, Central Europe, South-Eastern Europe and East Central Europe having axiological and geopolitical dimensions.

Keywordshistory of Slavic studies, ethno-cultural approach, regional approach, Balkan studies, Eastern Europe, Central Europe, South-Eastern Europe, East Central Europe, Institute of Slavic Studies in Moscow, regional identity
Publication date27.05.2019
Number of characters29021
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