Quoting as a Reflection Technique in K. D. Vorobyov's Novella “Here Comes the Giant…”

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Altai State Pedagogical University
Address: Russia, Barnaul
Affiliation: Altai State Pedagogical University
Address: Russia, Barnaul
Journal nameRusskaya Rech’
EditionIssue 3

The article analyzes full and transformed quotations, which act as a means of reflecting on the subject of a speaker, indicate his state depending on the situation and interaction with communication partners. When reproducing the original texts in K. Vorobyov's story “Here comes the giant ...”, the following parameters are taken into account: the situation (prepared / unprepared), the state of the speaking subject – the narrator (permanent / temporary / spontaneous; emotional / unemotional), speech environment (official / unofficial). It is established that the analyzed text contains a wide range of quotations, where allusions and reminiscences predominate. So, appearing in the speech of the hero-narrator, they convey his attitude towards others, situations in general and describe his state. It is noted that there are several authors (L. Andreev, A. Blok, S. Yesenin, E. Hemingway) and source texts (“The ingenious hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha”, etc.), which cause a ‘special disposition’ of the speaker's subject - their use due to his attitude and understanding of himself in the world. At the same time, the creative nature of the hero – the writer – does not allow him to stop, he is in constant search of himself, future plots and changes his “masks”, which causes the appearance of various citation inclusions.

Keywordscitation, quotation inclusions, allusion, reminiscence, autocitation, reflection
Publication date28.06.2023
Number of characters25873
100 rub.
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