The History of Spelling Prefixes with -z, -s in the Pre-reform Period

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Bunin Yelets State University
Address: Russia, Yelets
Journal nameRusskaya Rech’
EditionIssue 1

The article examines the spelling of the words with prefixes ending in -z, -s. Based on the texts of fiction and scientific literature of the late XVIII — early XX centuries, the author analyzes the spelling of words and identifies trends in spelling norms. The paper reveals that at the end of the XVIII century, during the formation of the book style, lexicographic sources took into account the Church Slavonic tradition and recommended writing prefixes with -z, however, there were deviations from spelling norms in written speech practice. Lexicographic publications of the middle of the XIX century reflect the change in the spelling norm. However, whereas the spelling of prefixes voz-, iz-, niz-, raz-that were in front of the voiceless consonants was changed during the historical period from the end of the XVIII century to the beginning of the XX century, the spelling of prefixes bez-, chrez-/cherez- remained stable. The spelling of prefixes was quite stable when the final consonant was in the position before the letter s. In most cases, there is adherence to the rule and the use of the letter z before the root s. The preservation of the final z in the prefix is correct from the point of view of tradition, and its spelling, taking into account the subsequent letter, is correct in regards to phonetics. In the competition of etymological and phonetic principles applied to spelling prefixes on -z, -s, the phonetic principle turned out to be the most resilient.

Keywordshistory of the Russian language, spelling of prefixes with -z, -s, phonetic principle of orthography, etymological principle of orthography, pre-reform orthography
Publication date05.04.2023
Number of characters23435
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