The Ideal Scribe: Clerk Ostafy’s Graffi to in St. Sophia, Constantinople and the 15th Century Russian Book Marginalia

Publication type Article
Status Published
Vladimir Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameRusskaya Rech’
EditionIssue 5

The article is the first to publish a 15th century inscription from the Cathedral of St. Sofia in Constantinople (Istanbul), made by a Russian clerk Ostafiy. The analysis of graffito in the context of the Old Russian epigraphy of St. Sophia allows us to attribute it to the number of autographs of persons who visited the capital of Byzantium not for pilgrimage purposes, but on business. In connection to this the article attempts to compare the words dyak and dyakon, the latter of which became a name for a civilian clerk. The connection of the author to the church is revealed by the author’s petition prayer, where he asks to strengthen his hand. It correlates with the records of 15th century Russian book scribes, which together make up an ideal portrait of a medieval scribe.


KeywordsSt. Sophia in Constantinople, Old Russian epigraphy, graffiti, medieval scribes, marginalia
AcknowledgmentThe article was prepared as a part of the RFBR project (project No. 21-59-14005 "Voyages and epigraphy: pilgrim inscriptions, geographical mobility and piety between Byzantium and Russia (5th ‒ 15th centuries).
Publication date12.12.2021
Number of characters19737
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