From the history of the early Russian translations of Charles Baudelaire

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Moscow State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameRusskaya Rech’
EditionIssue 6

The article provides a detailed comparative linguistic and stylistic analysis of the translation of the poem in S. Baudelaire's prose «Crowds», made by N. Minsky (1856–1937) and V. Bibikov (1863–1892). The translation of this text at different times appealed To D. S. Merezhkovsky, Sologub and other poets of the turn of the century. It is proved that this translation could serve Minsky as one of the sources of the aesthetic concept of the article «Ancient dispute», this early (1884) Manifesto of Russian symbolism.

Keywords«new romantics», «Ancient dispute» by N. Minsky, the «Crowd» by Charles Baudelaire, «warm» creativity, S. Nadson, «Three portraits. Stendhal – Flaubert – Baudelaire» by V. Bibikov, P. Yakubovich, «Speech on Pushkin» by F. Dostoevsky, «maonism»
AcknowledgmentThe work was carried out in IMLI RAS with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Project №17-04-00-553
Publication date25.12.2018
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Система Orphus
