I Cannot Be Silent! I Accuse!

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Indiana University
Address: USA, Indiana
Journal nameRusskaia literatura
EditionIssue 3

A. V. Korovashko (A. Korovashko, Mikhail Bakhtin (Moscow, 2017)) strives to «desacralize the image» of Bakhtin — the great thinker of encyclopedic knowledge and erudition. He seeks to refute the interpretation of Bakhtin’s epistemology and accuses the editors of Bakhtin’s Collected Works of concocting a «Bakhtinology» which in his interpretation is «a specific paradigm that features all the characteristics of a cult». He regards as unfounded their textological analysis of all the works by Bakhtin published under the names of his friends.

KeywordsM. M. Bachtin, Zizn’ Zamechatelnych Ludej series, history of ideas, mask, memory
Publication date13.10.2018
Number of characters507
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