Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Junior Researcher; Assistant Professor
Institute of World Culture, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameRusskaia literatura

The article examines a previously undiscussed connection between Alexander Pushkin’s poetry and the work of the English Romantic poet H. K. White (1785-1806). It reveals the hitherto unidentified sources of the unfinished poem Vnachale zhizni shkolu pomniu ia... (White’s poem Childhood) and Chairman Walsingham’s Hymn in Honor of the Plague from the Little Tragedy Pir vo vremia chumy (White’s poem Winter Song). We also briefly describe the historical and literary context of Pushkin’s interest in White.

KeywordsA. S. Pushkin, H. K. White, V nachale zhizni shkolu pomniu ia..., Pir vo vremia chumy, Ch. A. Sainte-Beuve, Josephe Delorme, Boldino Autumn.
Publication date31.08.2022
Number of characters63028
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