Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: PhD
Affiliation: Shandong University China
Address: China,
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskij Dom), Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameRusskaia literatura
EditionIssue 3

The article analyzes the function of the epigraph to the story The Firewood, that goes back to one of Blok’s short comic poems. As a part of the story’s semantic structure, the epigraph makes it possible to actualize implicit autobiographical and historical-literary narratives. The mysterious Christmas code offers the key for an interpretation of the work in the context of the moral and ethical evolution of Zoshchenko’s character, which rhymes with that of the writer himself. The article demonstrates the prescience of Blok’s ideas for the existence of an artist in the Soviet sociocultural context throughout the 20th century.

KeywordsA. A. Blok, M. M. Zoshchenko, The Firewood, epigraph, poetics, implicit narrative.
Publication date01.09.2021
Number of characters38565
100 rub.
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