Improvement of development and promotion of the product of cultural tourism of the Khmelnytskiy region on the international market

Код статьиS221979310016567-6-1
Тип публикации Статья
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Должность: Professor
Аффилиация: Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Адрес: Ukraine, Kiev
Название журналаПсковский регионологический журнал
ВыпускТом 17. №3 /2021

This paper deals with investigation of cultural tourism potential of Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine. The main methods and directions of Khmelnytskiy region's cultural tourism product design and promotion are explored. The creation of consortium of cultural heritage tourism stakeholders that promote visitation, prolonged stays, and present a unified voice for Khmelnitsky region to foster quality stewardship of local cultural heritage assets is substantiated. The ways for conducting partnership and collaboration inside Khmelnitsky region tourism development field are proposed. The creation of 4 sections strategy of Khmelnytskiy region's cultural tourism development is grounded. There are: 1. Popularization of tourist and recreational potential of Khmelnitsky region and creation of modern positive tourist image; 2. Development and improvement of tourist and recreational infrastructure of the region; 3. Improving the competitiveness of tourist products of the region; 4. Development of marketing and advertising and information activities of the tourism industry in Khmelnitsky region. The evaluation of cultural tourism product design and promotion in Khmelnytskiy region effectiveness is calculated. The specific tour route (Kyiv - Starokostiantyniv - Samchyky – Medzhibizh – Kyiv) for Khmelnytskiy region's cultural tourism promotion with preliminary calculation of tourism product cost is proposed. The forecasting of cultural tourism product further designing & promotion in Khmelnytskiy region as a whole and using specific separate tours (social connectivity, local gastronomy, pilgrimage tourism etc.) is substantiated. After our investigation through global tourism trends, we decided to point out some of separate local tours. “Stay like a local” is a key trend among travelers seeking cultural authenticity as they look to have a more real local experience by sharing accommodation with locals. Social connectivity is an emerging trend among cultural tourists as travelers show more concern towards social issues and are aware of the positive impact they can have. Exploring local gastronomy enables travelers to hone their culinary skills and experience different aspects of their destination’s everyday life. With pilgrimage tourism undergoing continuous transformations in recent years, pilgrimages or religious tourism is considered a subset of cultural tourism and pay a key role in Khmelnytskiy region. The competition of Khmelnytskiy region's cultural tourism on the world tourist market is investigated. There are the main factors of Khmelnytskiy region competition growing in tourism field:  the emergence of an increasing number of countries that choose tourism and resorts of Khmelnytskiy region as a priority area of economic development; fierce competition at the level of corporate strategies (including cases of rapid price reduction - dumping); achieving natural maxima of some forms and types of tourism offered by Khmelnytskiy region.

Ключевые словаcultural tourism, Khmelnitsky region, Ukraine, tourism product, product design, product promotion, international tourism market
Дата публикации03.11.2021
Кол-во символов21595
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1 Introduction. In Ukraine, the development of tourism industry has traditionally been given insufficient attention at the national level, and the implementation of regional development through the mechanism of subventions for socio-economic development of regions did not and does not allow to get rid of asymmetry in regional development.
2 A similar situation occurred at the regional level. The lack of system and coordination of all tourism industry development actors in the region has led to a lack of tourism resources and the formation of undeveloped tourism infrastructure. The region needs a system of measures to help develop culture and cultural heritage tourism. Also, it is necessary to create a calendar of events for further promotion of the region and cities separately.
3 The purpose of the study consists in investigation of cultural tourism product design and promotion of Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine on national and international market of tourist services.
4 The objectives of the study include: analyzing of methods and directions of Khmelnytskiy region's cultural tourism product design and promotion; creating a consortium of cultural heritage tourism stakeholders that promote visitation, prolonged stays, and present a unified voice for Khmelnitsky region to foster quality stewardship of local cultural heritage assets; conducting partnership and collaboration inside Khmelnitsky region tourism development field; creating a 4 sections strategy of Khmelnytskiy region's cultural tourism development; evaluating the effectiveness of cultural tourism product design and promotion in Khmelnytskiy region; creating a specific tour route (Kyiv — Starokostiantyniv — Samchyky — Medzhibizh — Kyiv) for Khmelnytskiy region's cultural tourism promotion with preliminary calculation of tourism product cost; forecasting of cultural tourism product further designing & promotion in Khmelnytskiy region as a whole and using specific separate tours (social connectivity, local gastronomy, pilgrimage tourism etc.); investigating competition of Khmelnytskiy region's cultural tourism on the world tourist market.
5 Scientific state of problem knowledge and the novelty of the study. The analysis of recent scientific publications showed that investigations of cultural tourism design and promotion in different regions of Ukraine are proposed by different famous Ukrainian scientists: A. A. Beydyk, O. A. Lyubitseva, V. P. Rudenko, T. I. Tkachenko and others. In particular, the peculiarities of location and organization of cultural tourism potential of Khmelnitsky region are disclosed in the works of O. V. Zastavetskaya, B. I. Zastavetskyi , I. L. Ditchuk, S. A. Kovalev, V. O. Jaman, O. V. Humeniuk, M. Ya. Malska, V. V. Khudo, V. I. Tsybukh, L. M. Cherchyk, K. I. Gerenchuk and others. However, further investigation of Khmelnitsky region cultural tourism product design and promotion will be connected with research of possible ways for improving the promotion of tourism products on the international market.
6 Research information base. The proposed investigation is based on free analytical, statistical and informational papers downloaded from open-access Internet resources of the Ministry of Statistics of Ukraine, from Khmelnitsky Regional State Administration Website as well as from a number of free open-access bulletins of different national and international companies and organizations related to tourism development research. We have used the number of qualitative and quantitative methods. The process of the scientific research is based on the review of existed literature on this topic, analysis of current state of cultural and heritage tourism product promotion and design in Khmelnitsky region. The next research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, project management methods, tour route creation methods, tourism product cost calculation methods, evaluation of tourism production promotion effectiveness. In this scientific work the new forecasting of cultural and heritage tourism product promotion and design in Khmelnitsky region was developed as well as the complex of improvement measures for tourism industry was proposed.
7 The results of investigation. Methods and directions of Khmelnytskiy region's cultural tourism product design and promotion. The priority activities for Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine are the formation of a brand and a positive image of different tourism destinations. This could be reached by defining goals, vision and mission, creating a qualitative tourism strategy, marketing actions and PR activities. To begin qualitative promotion of Khmelnitsky region tourism product we should set goals and develop vision and mission. After that a qualitative tourism strategy should be proposed.
8 Our vision is that Khmelnitsky region community are a collaborative, communicative and creative consortium of cultural heritage tourism stakeholders that promote visitation, prolonged stays, and present a unified voice for Khmelnitsky region to foster quality stewardship of local cultural heritage assets, stimulate economic prosperity for local businesses, and enhance resident’s quality of life.

всего просмотров: 518

Оценка читателей: голосов 0

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