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1. A consistent study of the ruins at the Russian site near the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem since 1843. Pravoslavnyy palestinskiy sbornik [Orthodox Palestinian collection], vol. III, iss. 7. Raskopki na Russkom meste bliz khrama Voskreseniya v Ierusalime, proizvedennye pod rukovodstvom arkhimandrita Antonina v 1883 g. [Excavations at the Russian site near the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem conducted under Archimandrite Antonin in 1883]. St. Petersburg, 1884, pp. 113–140. (In Russ.)
2. Antonin (Kapustin), 1884b. Communications from reverend Archimandrite Antonin. Pravoslavnyy palestinskiy sbornik [Orthodox Palestinian collection], vol. III, iss. 7. Raskopki na Russkom meste bliz khrama Voskreseniya v Ierusalime, proizvedennye pod rukovodstvom arkhimandrita Antonina v 1883 g. [Excavations at the Russian site near the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem conducted under Archimandrite Antonin in 1883]. St. Petersburg, pp. 1–30. (In Russ.)
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12. Vakh K.A., 2016. “There is not a single inch of Russian land on the Way of the Cross.” The project for the acquisition of the Behold the Man arch in the context of the ecclesiastical and diplomatic competition in Jerusalem. Tserkov' v istorii Rossii [Church in the history of Russia], 11. K 70-letiyu Nikolaya Nikolaevicha Lisovogo [To the 70th anniversary of Nikolai Nikolaevich Lisovoy]. Moscow: Institut rossiyskoy istorii, pp. 79–96. (In Russ.)
13. Vakh K.A., 2020. The first Russian excavations at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem in 1859-1861. Istoricheskie zapiski [Historical Transactions], 19 (137), pp. 21–75. (In Russ.)
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