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1. Baklanova N.A., 1926. The furnishings of Moscow Prikazy in the 17th century. Trudy Gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo muzeya [Transactions of the State Historical Museum], 3. Moscow, pp. 53–100. (In Russ.)
2. Baranova S.I., 2015. On the history of the first finds of Russian tiles in the Moscow Kremlin. Obraz khristianskogo khrama: sbornik statey po drevnerusskomu iskusstvu k 60-letiyu A.L. Batalova [The image of the Christian temple: Collected articles on the art of Rus to the 60th anniversary of A.L. Batalov]. L.A. Belyayev, ed. Moscow: Artkitchen, pp. 524–548. (In Russ.)
3. Belyayev L.A., Koval’ V.Yu. Otchet ob okhrannykh nauchno-issledovatel’skikh arkheologicheskikh rabotakh, napravlennykh na obespecheniye sokhrannosti ob”yektov arkheologicheskogo naslediya i soprovozhdayushchikh geologicheskiye i arkhitekturnyye issledovaniya v ramkakh vypolneniya proyektnykh rabot po sokhraneniyu Voskresenskogo Novo-Iyerusalimskogo monastyrya v 2009 g. [Report on salvage and research archaeological activities aimed at the preservation of archaeological heritage sites and accompanying geological and architectural investigation as part of the design work to preserve the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery in 2009]. Arkhiv Instituta arkheologii Rossiyskoy akademii nauk [Archive of the Institute of Archaeology RAS], R-1, № 37096, 37097, 37103, 37107, 37109.
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5. Dukhovnyye i dogovornyye gramoty velikikh i udel’nykh knyazey XIV–XVI vv. [Spiritual and contractual letters of the Grand and apanage princes of the 14th–16th centuries]. Moscow: AN SSSR, 1950. 585 p.
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8. Koval’ V.Yu., 2018. Ceramics from excavations at the Podol (boundary) of the Moscow Kremlin. Series of small items. Arkheologiya Podmoskov’ya [Archaeology of Moscow vicinity], 14. Moscow: IA RAN, pp. 414–441. (In Russ.)
9. Panova T.D., 2013. Istoricheskaya i sotsial’naya topografiya Moskovskogo Kremlya v seredine XII – pervoy treti XVI veka [Historical and social topography of the Moscow Kremlin in the middle of the 12th – the first third of the 16th century]. Moscow: TAUS. 406 p.
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