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8. Itogi i perspektivy razvitiya sovetskoy arkheologii: (Materialy dlya delegatov Vsesoyuznogo arkheologicheskogo soveshchaniya) [Results and prospects for the development of Soviet archaeology: (Materials for delegates of the All-Union Archaeological Meeting)]. V.P. Potemkin, ed. Moscow: IIMK, 1945. 197 p.
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14. Kondrat’yeva T.N., 2005. B.F. Porshnev in the Moscow Branch of GAIMK. Evropa: mezhdunarodnyy al’manakh [Europe: international almanac], 5. Tyumen’: Tyumenskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, pp. 185–188. (In Russ.)
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23. Sorokina I.A., 2015. Moscow Division of the Academy for the History of Material Culture. Kratkiye soobshcheniya Instituta arkheologii [Brief Communications of the Institute of Archaeology], 240, pp. 329–341. (In Russ.)
24. Ustav Rossiyskoy Akademii istorii material’noy kul’tury [Charter of the Russian Academy for the History of Material Culture]. Petrograd: Rossiyskaya akademiya istorii material’noy kul’tury, 1919. 30 p.
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26. Zakharov A.A., 1928. A review of the activities of the Archaeology Commission. K desyatiletiyu Oktyabrya: sbornik [To the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution: Collection], I. Moscow: Moskovskaya sektsiya Gosudarstvennoy akademii istorii material’noy kul’tury, pp. 6–11. (In Russ.)