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3. Bashkirov A . S., 1945. A ntiseismicit y of a ncient architecture. I. Egypt. Uchenye zapiski Jaroslavskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta [Transactions of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute], VII (XVII), pp. 1–25. (In Russ.)
4. Bashkirov A.S., 1947. Anti-seismicity of ancient architecture. II. Mesopotamia. III. Iran. Uchenye zapiski Jaroslavskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta [Transactions of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute], X (XX), pp. 1–89. (In Russ.)
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7. Bashkirov A .S., 1957. Historical and archaeological st udies i n the Taman Peni nsu la i n 1949 –1951 (in the terr itor y of the ancient city of Patraeus). Uchenye zapiski Jaroslavskogo gosudarst vennogo pedagog ichesk ogo in st it uta [Tran sact ion s of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute], XXII (XXXII), pp. 311–382. (In Russ.)
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15. Eremin A.V., Ermakov A.M., Novikov M.V., Talashov M.V.,2008. Istor ija JaGPU za 100 let [Histor y of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, 100 years]. Yaroslavl: YGPU. 343 p.
16. Ivanushkina S . A., 20 09. Revival of the provi ncial museum i n the 1920 s. Vestnik S amarskogo uni- versiteta. Istorija, pedagogika, filologija [Bulletin of the Samara University. History, pedagogics, philolog y], 7 (73), pp. 110–114. (In Russ.)
17. Kirikova N. N., Taubina E . P., 1955. D i s s er t a ci i, zashhishhennye v Leningradskom ordena Lenina gosudarstvennom universitete imeni A. A. Zhdanova.
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19. Korsakov S.N., 2017. Questions of the political history of antiquity in the works of V.S. Tarasenko. Vestnik TvGU. Serija “Istorija” [Bulletin of the Tver State University], 3, pp. 45–59. (In Russ.)
20. Kuzishсhin V.I., 1972. Ni kolay Ni kolayevich Pi k us.Vestnik drevney istorii [Journal of Ancient History], 1, pp. 274–275. (In Russ.)
21. Kuz’minyh S.V., Belozerova I.V., 2017. A.S. Bashkirov and archaeolog y of Volga Bulgar ia. Arheologija evrazijskih stepej [Archaeology of Eurasian steppes], 1, pp. 196–218. (In Russ.)
22. Malov N.M., 2006. Soviet archaeology in the Saratov State University (1918–1940): organizational formation, development and repressions. Arheologija Vostochno-Evropejskoj stepi: mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh trudov. [A rchaeology of East European steppes], 4. V.A. Lopatin, ed. Saratov: Nauchnaja kniga, pp. 4–28. (In Russ.)
23. Mejerovich M.G., 2004. Umenja pojavilas’ mechta… [Now I have a dream…]. Yaroslavl: Izdatel’stvo A leksandra Rutmana. 283 p.
24. Nikiforov Ju.S., 2016. Memoirs of the Yaroslavl historian N.I. Rezvyas a cultural artifact of the Sovietera. Jaroslavskij pedagogicheskij vestnik [Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin], 1, pp. 308–311. (In Russ.)
25. Novikov M.V., (ed.) 1998. Jaroslavskij pedagogicheskij vestnik. Nauchno-metodicheskij zhurnal. Special’nyj vypusk (k 90-letiju JaGPU) [Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bu l leti n. Specia l i s s ue (ded icated to the 9 0 th an n iver sar y of the Yaroslavl St ate Pedagog ical University]. Yaroslavl: YGPU. 250 p.
26. Petrov A., 1949. On ear thquakes and disturbances.Uchitel’skaja gazeta [Teachers’ Newspaper], 79, p. 4. (In Russ.)
27. Pikus N.N., 1948. S.A. Bashkirov. Antiseismicity of ancient architecture. I.East. From the history of construction: 1. Egypt; 2. Mesopotamia; 3. Iran. Yaroslavl, 1947. Vestnik drevney istorii [Journal of Ancient History], 2, pp. 102–104. (In Russ.)
28. Pikus N.N., 1967. The 60th anniversar y of Nikolay Nikolayevich Pikus. Vestnik drevney istorii [Journal of Ancient History], 4, p. 208. (In Russ.)
29. Picheta V.I., 1946. Transactions of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute. Vol. VII (XVII). Voprosy istorii [Questions of History], 10, pp. 120–123. (In Russ.)
30. Pjatysheva N.V., 1963. A.S. Bashkirov. Sovetskaja arheologija[Soviet Archaeology], 3, pp. 316–317. (In Russ.)
31. Sokol’skij N.I., 1949. A.S. Bashkirov. Antiseismicity of ancient architecture. Vol. III. Italy. Vol. IV. South of the USSR. Kalinin, 1948. Vestnik drevney istorii [Journal of Ancient History], 2, pp. 169–176. (In Russ.)
32. T kache v A .N., 2 015. Archаeology in the Kuban Pedagogical Institute (1920-1930s). Golos minuvshego. Kubanskij istoricheskij zhurnal [Voice of the Past. Kuban Historical Journal ], 3-4, pp. 202–214. (In Russ.)
33. Trever K .V., 1932. A deer with longing eyes and amelancholicpig (On “T he art of Dagestan” by A .S. Bashkirov). Soobshhenija Gosudar st vennoj akademii istorii material’noj kul’tur y [Reports of the State Academy for the Histor y of Material Culture], 1/2, pp. 27–37. (In Russ.)
34. Formozov А. A ., 2006. Russkie arheologiv period totalitarizma: Istoriograf icheskie ocherki [Russian archaeologists during the period of totalitarism: Historiographical essays]. Moscow: Znak. 344 p.
35. Hapaev V.V., 2012. Historiography of the 19–20th centuries on the history of Crimean earth-quakes in Antiquity and Middle A ges. Uchenye zapiski Tavricheskogo nacional’nogo universiteta im. V.I. Vernadskogo. Serija “Istoricheskie nauki” [Transactions of the Tauric National Universit y named after V.I. Vernadsk y. Historical Sciences], 25 (64) / 1, pp. 185–198. (In Russ.)