Assistance in the field of organizational civic behavior

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: professor
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 39 № 6

The paper presents an information-analytical survey of the results of Western (American) researches on rendering helping in organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Such behaviors go beyond the role instructions that individuals do on the job and are acts of altruism or helping for give support to his colleagues, which is represents aid to organization as a whole. In this article ОСВ is considered as the whole complex of different kinds of reactive and(or) proactive helping. Reactive helping is an altruistic response to a perceived need by a colleague or the organization itself. Proactive helping is motivated by needs which originate from inside the helper. New framework toward the study of helping behavior is discussed. It bases oneself on the extent to which the two helping behaviors vary in the same individual. Thus most helping generally represents a mix of reactive and proactive motives. Side by side with positive consequences of reactive and proactive helping the author further discusses more nuanced view of OCB about the “dark” side of citizenship behavior. A number of researches seeks to develop a deeper understanding of the conditions under which OCB “does more harm than good”. Although the consideration of mentioned works do not dispute the notion that OCB have many positive qualities, it is necessary to admit more balanced view of such behaviors including “dark” side of ОСВ.

Keywordsorganizational citizenship behavior (ОСВ), helping behavior, reactive helping, proactive helping, social network, the “dark” side of ОСВ
AcknowledgmentThe study was supported by the RFFR (Department of Humanities and Social Sciences), grant No. 17-06-00777.
Publication date22.12.2018
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