Parental unawareness about online risks in adolescence: revalence and psychological factors

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: professor of personality psychology department
Affiliation: Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: associate professor of clinical psychology department, senior researcher of medical psychology department
Moscow State University
Mental Health Research Center
Address: Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 40 Issue 1

One of the key reasons for the collision of adolescents with online risks and subsequent difficulties is the lack of prevention and assistance from adults in time. The paper is devoted to identifying of psychological factors (strategies of parental mediation, online activities and adolescents’ beliefs) associated with parental unawareness about the collision of their children with online risks. Based on the analysis of data from two Russian population-based studies (1.025 pairs “parent–child of 9–16 years”; 1.203 adolescents 12–17 years and 1.209 parents of children of theses ages) we demonstrate that more than 20% of parents are unaware that their child worried about something he or she saw in the Internet. Three groups of factors of unawareness are considered. First, the nature of the risks: more often parents are not aware of the problems that the children themselves initiated (cyberbullying against others, personal meetings with online acquaintances) or that are associated with shame or embarrassment (cyberbullying against the child, receiving sexual messages). Secondly, the general factors include signs of deviant behavior in adolescents (but not parents’ concerns about deviant behavior or the safety of their children). Third, specific factors include: excessive use of the Internet, greater confidence of children, higher level of knowledge and skills on the Internet, especially in the sphere of communication accompanied by low motivation for its improvement and a wider range of their online activities. The likelihood of parental unawareness is higher if the parents explain less and participate less in the child’s online activities, especially – do not talk to him about the Internet. Prohibitions and restrictions may contribute to more responsible behavior of adolescents (reducing the probability of parental unawareness about child’s meetings with online friends, cyberbullying against others), but can provoke the concealment of common risks (viewing sexual images).

KeywordsOnline risks, adolescents, parental unawareness, online activity, parental mediation, Russian Kids Online, digital competence
AcknowledgmentResearch is supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project 17-06-00762.
Publication date26.02.2019
Number of characters39751
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