Diversification and integration of the “self” field in the context of meta-individual world

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: head of psychology and pedagogy chair
Affiliation: Perm State Institute of Culture
Address: Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 40 Issue 1

Field approach to Self-conception is proposed and theoretically grounded. The field of “Self” is understood as a continuous environment of mental space, which takes qualitatively different values at its different clusters. The construct is analyzed in the context of its diversification and integration. It is shown that the field of “Self” as a continuous environment is integrated but coupled with qualitatively different clusters and it is inherently diverse. Self-conception is considered from meta-individual world perspective. The author’s, embodied, transformed, echoed sub-modalities of “Self” are disclosed. Empirical date on correlation of “Self” sub-modalities with personality traits has been received. Hypothesis that each sub-modality of “Self” has its own place in person’s mental field and its unique whereabouts is determined by the locus of location and coordinates of the space it occupies has been put forward. As the result the field of “Self” has become diversified. On the other hand, the field of “Self” is characterized by its integration with different sub-modalities. From that position the notion of amalgam as peculiar alligation of sub-modalities has been introduced. Amalgams indicate the possibility of sub-modalities to integration in spite of the fact that each sub-modality has its own unique psychological profile. Based on combination of sub-modalities different types of amalgams (local, regional, cross-regional) have been distinguished in person’s mental field.

KeywordsSelf-conception, sub-modality, field of Self, topology, amalgam, diversification, integration
Publication date26.02.2019
Number of characters27238
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