Profession as a vector in the N-dimensional space of activity elements

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Ural institute for humanities, Ural federal university
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 39 №5

The principle of vector representation of professions in which each profession is represented as a vector in n-dimensional space of elements of activity is offered. Restrictions of traditional approaches to psychological classification of professions are described. The algorithm of vector representation of professions and its realization on basic groups of professions ISCO-08 is presented. 431 vectors in three-dimensional space of the purposes of activity were as a result defined. For justification of practical applicability of this approach the hypothesis of interrelation between the maintenance of activity in a profession and the qualification demanded for its development was checked. It was revealed that professions of the first level of qualification mean realization only of reformative activity. The structure of professions of the second level of qualification includes also gnostic activity. The restricted volume of prospecting tasks appears in professions of the third level of qualification, and for professions of the fourth level of qualification their volume reaches on average 26% of work. On the one hand, the received results show high prognostic validity of this approach concerning descriptions of professions, and with another ― to its opportunity as a research method. 

Keywordspsychological classification of professions, vector representation of professions, typology by the work purposes, level of qualification
Publication date02.11.2018
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