The network organisation as a way of integration of psychology

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor of the Department of General Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 39 №5

The article by A.L. Zhuravlev, I.A. Mironenko, A.V. Yurevich “Psychological Science in the Global World: Challenges and Perspectives” [3] is discussed. The author agrees with the main theses of the authors about the need to integrate psychology into the world science and at the same time about the multipolarity of its network organization, which fully corresponds to the idea of polyparadigmality of psychological science and the necessity to overcome the isolationist tendencies of “national” psychologies. It is substantiated that European and North American psychology that have taken the mainstream position can be seen not only as a movement towards globalization or leading poles of scientific psychology, but also as an example of strengthening of scientific criteria for achieving reliable knowledge, that allows us to overcome cross-cultural differences in “national” psychologies. The problem of psychological research is examined in terms of criteria for scientific character, that reflects supra-individual systems of knowledge – the cultural origin of science – and thereby its universalization, but not the desire for a unified theory. From the point of view of hypothetico-deductive reconstructions of psychological reality and criteria developed in world science, the network of psychological science presupposes its integrativity. Polyparadigmality characterizes the world of psychological theories and methodology for organizing research, but can not be reduced to assessments in terms of their greater or lesser scientific character. The movement of Russian science towards global psychology should not be presented only as a paper translating problem. The problems of categorical interaction are more important. “Cultivation” of necessary guidelines for conceptual interaction in psychology can be carried out only by conducting of researches with the results, that will demonstrate the development of supra-individual experience. This way “national” conquests will be able to enter the world psychology, causing necessary counter activity of Western science. 


Keywordspsychological research in global world, culture, “national” psychology, scientific communication, Russian psychology in global science
Publication date02.11.2018
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