Attachment In Young Children In Different Periods Of Russian Society

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: professor, head of child and parent mental health and early intervention division at department of psychology
Affiliation: St. Petersburg University
Address: Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Occupation: Graduate student
Affiliation: St. Petersburg University
Address: Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 43 Issue 4

Studies of attachment in different countries indicate negative changes in the distribution of attachment patterns in social risk children, as well as cultural differences in attachment distribution that emphasize the importance of socio-economic conditions in the formation of family life and parenting models. The current study compares the distribution of attachment patterns obtained in three studies of young children conducted in 1989 and 2017–2018, before and after a period of deep socio-economic and political crisis in Russian society, and in 1999 – early 2000s by the end of this period. In each study attachment quality was assessed in the Strange Situation. Results show that the distribution of attachment patterns in young Russian children corresponds to the “standard” distribution in studies of 1989 and 2017-2018, and indicates the significantly lower rates of secure attachment and higher rates of resistant and disorganized attachment in the study of 1999 – early 2000s. These results support the need of the positive socio-economic conditions in society favorably affecting the stability and security of family life and supporting the formation by young children the organized attachment and increase the rate of security.

Keywordsattachment patterns, young children, Russian society, socio-economic conditions
AcknowledgmentThe reported study was funded by Russian Science Foundation, project no. 22-28-00626,
Publication date15.09.2022
Number of characters26010
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