Light And Dark Sides Of Reflection And Areflection: Splitting Effect

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Research Officer of Laboratory of Psychology of Abilities and Mental Resources Named after V.N. Druzhinin
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 43 Issue 4

The objectives of this study are to analyze the phenomenology of reflection, taking into account the relationship of the level of reflection with various intellectual and personal properties and the success of the activity. Along with this, the objectives of the study are to substantiate the role of metacognitive abilities as the basis of positive and negative manifestations of a high and low level of reflection, allowing us to talk about the light and dark sides of reflection and areflection. The results of the analysis describe the manifestations of the “splitting effects” of high and low reflection indicators. The pole of high reflection can hide both productive forms of self-regulation with positive consequences (such as increasing the success of activities, self-efficacy, systemic reflection), and maladaptive forms of self-regulation with negative consequences (decreased success in activities, rumination, hyperpersonal control, illusory control, introspection, quasi-reflection). In turn, the pole of low reflection also “splits” into two different components: productive forms of self-regulation with positive consequences (implicit learning, intellectual behavior of experts, secondary control, selective meaningfulness, creative process) and maladaptive forms of self-regulation with negative consequences (decreased success, learned helplessness, psychological encapsulation). In addition, the mechanism that provides the effect of splitting high and low indicators of reflection is metacognitive abilities (the ability to involuntarily and voluntarily control one's mental activity). The results of the study allow us to conclude the multidimensional (nonlinear) nature of reflection.

Keywordsreflection, self-regulation, cognitive control, voluntary control, involuntary control, “splitting effect”, metacognitive abilities
Publication date15.09.2022
Number of characters32503
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