The role of dynamic properties in the social activity of the individual

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of the Department of social psychology of education and development
Affiliation: Saratov State University
Address: Saratov, Astrakhanskaya st., 83
Occupation: Associate Professor of the Department of Social Psychology of Education and Development
Affiliation: Saratov State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Occupation: Researcher of the Department of Social Psychology of Education and Development
Affiliation: Saratov State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 43 Issue 3

The purpose of the study was the investigation of the role of functional and dynamic personality traits in the overall expression of social activity and commitment to its various forms in real and virtual environments. It is emphasized, that the study of the role of functional and dynamic properties in the commitment of young people to various forms of social activity is important from the point of view of social self-determination of the individual. Various studies assert the significant role of functional and dynamic properties in the activity realized by a person, but the properties that determine various forms of social activity are not specified. The study involved 500 people aged 16–35 years, the average age M=21.6; SD=5.6. The developed scales of social activity and secondary scales of civil, radical-political, Internet-network and leisure activity obtained on the basis of factorization were used; scales of self-assessment of commitment to activity in a real / virtual environment, a questionnaire of formal-dynamic properties of individuality by V.M. Rusalov. Sexual differences in the severity of formal-dynamic properties are established. The interrelationships of commitment to social activity and its various forms and formal-dynamic characteristics of individuality are studied. The analysis of formal-dynamic properties as predictors of social activity in real and virtual environments is carried out Discussion.and dynamic personality traits play a leading role in the overall commitment to social activity of young people. Its role is strongest in the commitment to the preferred civic and leisure social activities. Emotional characteristics in connection with communicative ergicity and plasticity are factors of Internet network activity. Radical protest activity is least conditioned by formal-dynamic properties. The importance of the ideological factor in the preference of the latter is assumed. Activity in the real and virtual environment is determined by different properties and personality: 20 % of activity in the real environment is explained by the characteristics of ergicity and speed in the communicative sphere, 6 % of activity in the virtual environment is due to communicative emotionality, intellectual speed and psychomotor ergicity, which indicates a more significant contribution of temperament to real activity than to virtual activity and, accordingly, less "cost" of the latter. This requires a more careful study of a person's virtual activity from the position of compensation or adaptation or ignoring situational changes external to him/her.

Keywordspersonality, formal-dynamic properties of individuality, social activity, activity in real and virtual environments, temperament, predictors
AcknowledgmentThe reported study was funded by Russian Science Foundation (RSF), project no.18-18-00298.
Publication date23.06.2022
Number of characters27992
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