The subjectivity of network and real political movements in the information society

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior research officer of the History of Psychology and Historical Psychology
Affiliation: Federal State-financed Establishment of Science, Institute of psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 43 Issue 3

Network communities are a relevant object for studying the psychology of large social groups in the information society at the stage of globalization. The formation of their subjectivity and the risk of switching their activity offline occurs about a relevant event that has the properties of sharpness, urgency and affects the interests and values of the broad social masses. Establishing a connection between the activation of social networks online and offline protest activity in a situation of current political event. The subjectivity of network political movements is formed in the process of articulating ideas and values shared by users, and the development of the subjectivity of real protest movements occurs with the transition of activity from an online environment to offline by triggering the corresponding triggers. Data were obtained by monitoring social media in the Khabarovsk Territory. Text messages related to the detention of the Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory S. Furgal from June 09 to August 09, 2020 - more than 1.7 million messages and about 6.8 billions of their views were the object. The number of participants in the rallies was about 100 thousand people. The method of analysis of a single case (case study) was used using the ordering and systematization of data to interpret and reflect them in each theoretical framework. During the transformation of society and the global prevailing of information relations, new properties of large social groups are manifested, which was shown on the example of large social groups - network and real socio-political movements. The activity of users of social networks during a current political event takes the form of a socio-political movement with phenomena of cohesion, solidarity and coordination implemented by specific network tools, and the real political movement and its subjectivity take a form dependent on network activity.

Keywordsglobal psychology, information society, Internet, socio-political movements, subjectivity, large social groups, social networks, network communities, protest activity
AcknowledgmentThe study was fulfilled by state assessment № 0138-2022-0001.
Publication date23.06.2022
Number of characters28805
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