Jaan valsiner's cultural psychology. Part II. School of dynamic semiosis

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: professor
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: St.Petersburg, Marinesko str., 6-31
Occupation: Professor, Scientific Adviser of Institute of Psychology RAS
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology RAS
Address: Yaroslavskaya str., 13, building 1
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 43 Issue 2

The second part of the paper on the cultural psychology of JaanValsiner reveals the theory and methodology developed in the mainstream of this trend. The paper assesses general scientific and philosophical foundations of the approach, highlightes specific scientific theories and principles used in cultural psychology, defines new concepts introduced into the discourse. JaanValsiner positions cultural psychology as a new general psychology, realizing the principle of integrity, practicing the unity of methodology for all levels of psychological analysis, from psychic processes to the human personality in its relations with the world. The most important axiomatic basis for Valsiner's approach is that psyche is considered as an open system in constant interaction with the environment. This assumption allows to offer a different from the traditional definition of the lifecontext of the Subjeckt: not as his/her environment, but as a subsystem of the Subjekt itself, as the immediate border of the latter, where, in fact, the Subjekt interacts with the environment. The paper reveals significance of the theory and methods of semioticsin cultural psychology, first of all, the works of Charles Peirce. Valsiner makes extensive use of the concept of semiosis, central to Peirce, that is, the cognition of an object through the meanings that it generates. With regard to human whose psyche is culturally (symbolically) conditioned, Valsiner concludes that in the process of self-observation, the results of which are interpreted as signs (in the course of semiosis), the subject actually creates, constructs himself and his world. It is shown that cultural psychology continues the tradition of cultural and historical approaches to the analysis of mental phenomena that are also characteristic of the history of Russian psychological science, as has been already noted in the first part of the article, and also that the idea of the principle unity of methodology of psychological analysis for all levels and types of mental phenomena, from mental processes to personality, is consonant with the Russian psychological tradition. We find examples of this holistic approach in the works of the undeservedly forgotten M.I. Vladislavlev [1], S.L. Rubinstein, B.G. Ananjev, B.F. Lomov, K.K. Platonov.

Keywordscultural psychology, J. Valsiner; methodology of psychology, open system, irreversibility of time, contextual approach, semiotics, semiosis, ideographic approach
Publication date11.05.2022
Number of characters29654
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