Belgium: a History of African Exploration

Publication type Article
Status Published
Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Relations
Institute for African Studies RAS
Moscow State Linguistic University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

In the late 19th — early 20th centuries, the European states paid special attention to the African continent, which for many was then terra incognita, despite geographical discoveries and scientific information available. The rumors that spread in Europe about barbaric tribes, cannibals and wild animals frightened and repelled ordinary people. However, businessmen and merchants saw enormous benefits in the acquisition of colonies. The distant continent promised them fabulous profits from colonial goods, raw materials for new industry and cheap labor. In addition, having overseas territories was prestigious for European states and became a symbol of national pride. “At the beginning of the 20th century, white Europe was the recognized as the master of the world, and white people were almost universally considered as rulers for which the rest of the world exists” — this is how the British writer, Africanist Winston Dubois saw Europe. New approaches in the foreign policy of European states have become characteristic not only for England and France, who were the “pioneers” of colonial conquests, but also for the little Belgium. The cunning and enterprising Belgian king Leopold II, having circumvented England and France, which competed for success on the Black continent, thanks to numerous manipulations in the business and political sphere, was able to secure for himself huge “ownerless” territories in the center of Africa, which later transformed into three states. These are the modern Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi.

KeywordsBelgium, Africa, colonialism, history, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi
Publication date24.06.2023
Number of characters24769
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