Mnemonic abilities during the transition from adolescence to youth (on the materials of a longitudinal study)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor of the Chair of Psychology, Professor of the Chair of Psychology and Social Pedagogy
Affiliation: Moscow State Pedagogical University, University of Humanities and Technology
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Occupation: Associate Professor of the Chair of Pedagogy
Affiliation: University of Humanities and Technology
Address: 22 Zelenaya street
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 41 Issue 6

The article presents the results of two stages of a longitudinal study of mnemonic abilities during the transition from adolescence to youth.  The first stage of the study of the quantitative and qualitative originality of mnemonic abilities as an instrument of memory was carried out in 2009-2010. The sample size was 96 students aged 12-13 years. At the second stage in 2012–2013 60 (out of 96) subjects aged 15-16 took part in the experiment. The study at the first and second stages was carried out using the methodology for diagnosing mnemonic abilities of schoolchildren. It is shown that mnemonic abilities in adolescence and youth have a fundamentally different structural organization, which is distinguished by the qualitative composition of mnemonic actions and the degree of interaction multilevel: functional, operational and regulation mechanisms. The structure of mnemonic abilities of adolescents undergoes significant changes due to the complicationof mnemonic actions, the emergence of regulation mechanisms and the strengthening of their interaction. More than half of schoolchildren aged 15-16 years old have the highest (fourth) level of development of mnemonic abilities, in contrast to the mnemonic abilities of 12-13 year olds, whose qualitative indicators are distributed from the first to the third level of development. The development of the structure of mnemonic abilities leads to an increase in the productivity of memorization based on functional mechanisms (productivity of imprinting); memorization productivity using mnemonic actions; the likelihood of quick and accurate memorization due to the systemic interaction of functional, operational and regulation mechanisms. During the transition from adolescence to youth, mnemonic abilities develop unevenly and heterochronously, passing through the stages of pronounced integration and differentiation of the mechanisms of different levels that implement them.


Keywordsmnemonic abilities, development, memory, structure, functional mechanisms, operational mechanisms, regulation mechanisms, functional system of mnemonic abilities, functional system of mnemonic abilities, mnemonicabilities’ diagnostic method
AcknowledgmentThe study, which began in 2009 and continues to the present, includes eight main stages of studying the volume and qualitative specificity of reproduction and the mechanisms that implement it.
Publication date27.11.2020
Number of characters37877
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