History of domestic applied social psychology: development of relations between fundamental science and practice (based on interview with E.S. Chugunova

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Social and Economic Psychology
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology, RAS
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Occupation: scientific supervisor of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: Professor at psychological department, Pushkin Leningrad State University
Affiliation: Federal State-financed Establishment of Higher Education, Pushkin Leningrad State University
Address: St. Petersburg sh., d. 10., Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Russia
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 41 Issue 2

The results of study on the history of social psychology are presented. The objective of the work is to analyze the prerequisites, patterns and stages in development of applied social psychology, as well as the role of certain persons in formation of its problems in the period of 60–70 years of the twentieth century. The author’s version of the research biographical interview was used as the main research method. The content of the material used is the memoirs of ScD in psychology Emilia Sergeevna Chugunova about the events related to the first stages of formation and subsequent development of applied social psychology in the framework of laboratory of social psychology in the Leningrad State University (now the St. Petersburg state University). The memoirs of E. S. Chugunova, who managed self-supporting works in the laboratory for a long period, address issues of interrelations between social psychology and socio-psychological practice, development of methodological apparatus, prerequisites for the organization of the first self-supporting works, formation of orders of enterprises, etc.

Her views on the problems of development of psychology of engineering creativity, the demand for socio-psychological knowledge in practice are presented in the interview.


KeywordsHistory of domestic social psychology, applied social psychology, laboratory of social psychology in Leningrad State University, research biographical interview, person and professional activity of a scientist, E. S. Chugunova
AcknowledgmentThe work was prepared in the framework of State task No. 0159-2019-0002 “ Psychology of a collective subject in changing conditions of joint life activity”
Publication date04.03.2020
Number of characters51229
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