Prognostic model of professional successfulness of rescue-divers

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor of the Department of scientific foundations of extreme psychology
Affiliation: Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Address: Moscow, Sretenka st., 29
Occupation: Dean of the faculty of extreme psychology MGPPU
Affiliation: Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Address: Sretenka st., 29
Occupation: Master student
Affiliation: Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Address: Sretenka st., 29
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 41 issue 1

Rescue divers carried out professional activities under extreme conditions that pose a threat to their health and life. It was assumed that such professionally important qualities necessary for activity under extreme conditions as emotional stability, ability to volitional regulation, high adaptive potential are diagnostic predictors of rescue divers’s professional success predictive models. 52 rescue divers (from 23 to 58 years) of the Moscow city search and rescue service and four experts (from 39 to 57 years) participated in the study. The average age of specialists was 37.6 years, and work experience – 11.6 years. The construction of a rescue divers’s success predictive model was carried out by stages using expert assessment of professional success of specialists, six diagnostic methods, regression and correlation analysis. Integrative qualities “Psychological stability”, “Personal qualities”, “Volitional qualities” and “Attitude to work” were the predictors of professional success of divers-rescuers according to the results of expert evaluation. The psychodiagnostic research has revealed the professionally important qualities of divers-rescue workers with different levels of professional success. It turned out that the predictive regression model of success includes three predictors: “Psychological stability” (R = 0.908; p =0.01), “Volitional qualities” (R = 0.903; p = 0.01) and “Personal qualities” (R = 0.899; p = 0.01). Personal adaptive potential and neuropsychological stability are the diagnostic determinants of the predictor “Psychological stability”. The diagnostic determinants of the predictor “Personal qualities” are diplomacy, the ability to reflect and moral normativity, and the predictor “Volitional qualities” is the ability in volitional regulation, self-control and self-discipline.

Keywordsrescue-divers, professionally important qualities, prognostic model, professional successfulness, self-efficacy, extreme conditions of activity
Publication date27.12.2019
Number of characters34271
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