Mental performance dynamics: part ii. psychological features of 2-year and 4-year cycles

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading researcher of the laboratory of labour, engineering psychology and ergonomics.
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, Yaroslavskaya St., 13
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 40 issue 6

Discusses the results of a longitudinal study (data on the monitoring of mental performance (URS) of a subject of mental labor for 34 years). The types of URS dynamics, identified patterns, determinants are analyzed. The variability of 6–7 types of URS dynamics in chronologically consecutive 2-year and 4-year cycles with the repeatability of the type of dynamics in those years in which similar social tasks were solved, there were similar subjectively significant events, similar "external" and "internal" conditions of the subject . The repeatability of the type of dynamics is explained by the action of the mechanisms of self-organization, self-reproduction, self-maintenance in the process of URS. Changes in the socio-psychological environment (environment) and the formation of new professional plans of the subject contributes to the growth of URS. The harsh social environment with the safety of professional prospects also stimulated the growth of URS. Stabilization of the living conditions of the subject is associated with a decrease in the variation of the dynamics of URS. Decrease in URS follows fundamentally important professional achievements, violation of professional prospects. The phenomenon of "mental performance" is discussed. It is proposed to define it as a state of physiological, mental and psychological systems that manifest themselves in activity, ensuring the success of solving social tasks in real life conditions for a long time with acceptable quantitative and qualitative characteristics for a person as a labor subject.

Keywordsmental performance (URS), variability, dynamics, determinants of performance, subject, longitudinal study, 2-year cycles, 4-year cycles, self-development, self-maintenance
AcknowledgmentThe study was made for the State task of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, № 0159-2018-0001 “Psychological problems of the professional mentality in terms of organizational and technological innovations”
Publication date21.11.2019
Number of characters40330
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