Socio-psychological laboratory of the Kursk state university: history of creation and development trends

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor, psychology chair
Affiliation: FSFEE “Kursk State University” (KSU)
Address: Kursk, Radishhev str. 33
Occupation: Head of psychology chair
Affiliation: FSFEE “Kursk State University”
Address: Kursk, Radishhev str. 33
Occupation: head of psychology chair
Affiliation: FSFEE “Kursk State University” (KSU)
Address: Kursk, Radishhev str. 33
Occupation: associate professor, psychology chair
Affiliation: FSFEE “Kursk State University” (KSU)
Address: Kursk, Radishhev str. 33
Occupation: Associate professor, psychology chair
Affiliation: FSFEE “Kursk State University” (KSU)
Address: Kursk, Radishhev str. 33
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 40 issue 4

The process of formation and development of the Kursk socio-psychological laboratory is analyzed. The role of social order from the fields of education and youth policy in the creation of the laboratory is noted. It is postulated that the activity of the laboratory is based on the methodological principle of Russian psychology about the unity of theory, experiment and practice, laid down by V.M. Bekhterev, S.L. Rubinstein and B.F. Lomov. It is indicated that the subject of the study was the socio-psychological basis of social activity of the individual and group; the psychological status of the group as a subject of joint activities, communication and relationships; theory and practice of training youth leaders in the region. The studies were conducted on the basis of the laboratory developed by the staff of the laboratory under the guidance of Professor L.I. Umansky parametric theory of small groups and groups, including along with the conceptual apparatus - the socio-psychological structure of the group, the level of socio-psychological maturity, the stages of development of the group and the corresponding methodical arsenal consisting of questionnaires, a laboratory experiment based on instruments-models of joint activity, natural and natural formative experiments. Verification and practical application of the theory were carried out in the psychological school of youth leaders together with the regional committee of the Komsomol and in the organization of the teaching and educational process at the historical-pedagogical faculty established simultaneously in Kursk State Pedagogical Institute. The laboratory took part in the state program “Help” to study the psychological consequences and develop protective measures in the regions of the Chernobyl wake. As a result, a method was proposed for designing psychological assistance to children through the creation of educational environments with great educational opportunities (developing social environments — social oases). Traditionally, the laboratory collaborates with other laboratories and research centers.

KeywordsSocial activity, parametric theory, developing social environment, experiment, psychological school of youth leaders, psychological assistance to young people, psychological service
Publication date26.06.2019
Number of characters35737
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