Institutional experience and level of health as factors of behavior specificity of children in substitute families

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: associate professor at the department of pedagogical psychology
Affiliation: Adyghe State University
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: professor, head of child and parent mental health and early intervention division at department of psychology
Affiliation: St. Petersburg University
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: Senior researcher, laboratory of information technologies and mathematical simulation
Affiliation: Pavlov Institute of Physiology Russian Academy of Science
Address: Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 40 Issue 1

This study is aimed at a comparative study of the attachment behavior specificity in typically developing children and children with disabilities with the experience of institutionalization after admission to substitute families. The group of children in substitute (foster and guardian) families comprised 196 people (104 typically developing and 92 with disabilities, the average age – 410 years), in biological families – 125 children (65 typically developing and 60 with disabilities; average age – 413 years). To assess the attachment behavior specificity in children the Attachment Disorder Сhecklist was used. The results show that negative manifestations of attachment behavior in children depend on the type of family of residence, the presence or absence of disability status, and the sex of the child (more in boys). Children with experience of institutionalization, living in a substitute family for a month, show higher values of the negative signs of attachment behavior in general and in specific areas than children born in families of biological parents. The study results are discussed from the point of view of the role of the primary social-emotional environment in the formation of behavioral patterns in children, including those with the experience of institutionalization. Results reveal the need of the early intervention programs for substitute families, aimed at supporting the development of the adaptive attachment behavioral strategies in previously deprived children including children with disabilities.

Keywordschildren, institutional experience, substitute family, attachment behavior
Publication date26.02.2019
Number of characters32661
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