The “Justice sensitivity questionnaire”: validation in a Russian speaking sample

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics National Research University
Address: 101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya St., 20, Russia
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics National Research University
Address: Russian Federation, 101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya St., 20, Russia
Affiliation: Koblenz-Landau Universität
Address: Germany, 56070, Koblenz, Universitätsstrasse, 1, Germany
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 39 №4

The German Justice Sensitivity Inventory was validated in a Russian sample (N = 1002, Mage = 22.3, SD = 6.3; 769 female). Justice sensitivity is a trait describing the extent to which a person is tolerant or sensitive to cases of injustice in everyday life and, as a result, is ready to act in order to restore justice. The four-factor structure of the Russian version of the inventory was confirmed, in line with the original version. The four scales were as follows: victim sensitivity, observer sensitivity, beneficiary sensitivity, and perpetrator sensitivity. Internal consistency reliability coefficients of scales ranged from 0.89 to 0.91. Gender differences were found: all justice sensitivity scores were higher in females. The age trend was also shown: the older respondents the higher perpetrator sensitivity and lower victim sensitivity and observer sensitivity. Discriminant validity was tested by means of Markers for the Big-Five Factor Structure, Basic World Assumptions, and Belief in a Just World scales. Convergent validity was examined by means of the Moral Motives Model scale. Validity of the Russian version of Justice Sensitivity Inventory was found satisfactory.

Keywordsjustice sensitivity, validity, reliability, belief in a just world, basic world assumptions, moral motive
Publication date14.10.2018
Number of characters1111
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