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1. Haubold H. Die fossilen Saurierfährten. Lutherstadt Wittenberg,1974.
2. Kuban G.J. Elongate dinosaur tracks. Dinosaur Tracks and Traces. (Eds D.D.Gilette, M.G.Lockley). N.Y.,1991: 57–72.
3. Locley M.G., Meyer C. A., Santos V.F. Megalosauripus, Megalosauropus and the concept of megalosaur footprints: The Continental Jurassic. Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin. 1996; 60:113–118.
4. Locley M.G., Meyer C.A. Dinosaur tracks and other fossil footprints of Europe.N.Y., 2000.
5. Milner A.R.C., Vice G.S., Harris J.D., Lockley M.G. Dinosaur tracks from the Upper Cretaceous Iron Springs Formation, Iron County, Utah. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin. 2006; 35: 105–113.
6. Petti F.M., Avanzini M., Belvedere M. et al. Digital 3D modelling of dinosaur footprints by photogrammetry and laser scanning techniques: integrated approach at the Coste dell’Anglone tracksite (Lower Jurassic, Southern Alps, Northern Italy). Studi trentini di scienze naturali. Acta geologica. 2008; 83: 303–315.
7. Santos V.F., Silva C. M., Rodrigues L. A. Dinosaur track sites from Portugal: Scientific and cultural significance. Oryctos. 2008; 8:77–88.
8. Silvestru E. Human and dinosaur fossil footprints in the Upper Cretaceous of North America? TumoriJournal. 2004; 18(2):114–120.
9. Geologicheskaya karta SSSR Masshtab 1:2 500 000. (Gl. red. D.V.Nalivkin). L., 1980. [Geological map oftheUSSR.Scale1:2500000.(Ed.D.V.Nalivkin).Leningrad,1980.(InRuss.).]
10. Naugol'nykh S.V. Geologicheskie pamyatniki Krasnoufimska: kak sdelat' pervyj shag k sozdaniyu Ural'skogo paleontologicheskogo geoparka? Geologiya: istoriya, teoriya, praktika. Tezisy dokladov mezhdunarodnoj konferentsii, posvyaschennoj 250-letiyu Gosudarstvennogo geologicheskogo muzeya im.V.I.Vernadskogo. Moskva, 2009: 162–165. [Naugolnykh S.V. Geological monuments of the City of Krasnoufimsk: how to make the first step towards the creation of the Urals Paleontological geopark? Geology: history, theory, practices. Abstracts of the reports of the International Conference dedicated to the 250-year anniversary of the State Geological museum named after V.I.Vernadsky. Moscow, 2009: 162–165. (InRuss.).]